For anyone wishing to obtain a nautical licence, Autoscuole Riunite in Olbia also organises courses to help students obtain a nautical licence for up to 12 miles from the coast. In the event that a candidate does not pass the test, they will be given another opportunity at no additional charge.
The courses last for around two months with evening meetings two times a week from 18:00 onwards at the Autoscuole Riunite offices. The practice test boat trips usually take place on the weekends, and if you have any special requirements, another time may be agreed upon with the school.

The practical test takes place in the same area as the practice tests.

During the course, all the exam topics are addressed in a simple and systematic manner with questions and written tests performed under exam conditions. This way the instructor can monitor the preparation of each individual candidate in order to ensure that the candidate is adequately prepared for their examination.

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